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Club Activities

Planned outings.


These events include everything from a tour of our local post office to a visit to the local animal shelter.  These outings are generally free to join and have great attendance.

Home playdates.


A casual way to get together with fellow MOMS Club members, each month there are at least 3 at home playdates on the calendar.  Moms take turns hosting, although hosting a playdate is not required to be a part of the group.

Field trips.


These planned outings usually require 30 to 45 minutes travel time.  We visit places like Como Park, MOA or the Children's Museum as a group.  It is a great time to have your fellow MOMS Club members help you attend an activity or visit a place that you might not feel comfortable doing on your own.

Moms night out.


Take some time to enjoy an evening out with friends!  Our group plans a moms night out every month.  From a night on the town to a bon fire at a members house, we host a variety of events that fit all interests.

Clubs and groups.


Our group has a variety of other smaller clubs led by group members on a month basis.  We have a fitness group, book club and a recipe exchange to name a few.

Community service.


Our club sponsors two annual fundraisers, a preschool fair and a bake sale booth at Ramsey Happy Days.  The funds raised are donated to charities chosen by the group.  We also participate in other community service through out the year, such as Feed My Starving Children, park clean ups and tying blankets for Project Linus.

Sample Activity Calendars
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